Long range wireless data-shots (point-to-point bridge)

The point-to-point wireless topology (also called P2P) is the simplest network architecture you can set up in order to connect two locations using a wireless radio link. Point-to-point wireless links can go from a short-range link connecting two locations just a few hundreds meters apart to a long range point-to-point wireless link that connects two locations miles away from each other.

Point to Point Wireless Applications:

- Live and recorded video via CCTV feeds
- Agricultural data analytics
- Networking between two buildings, linking buildings, for permanent or redundancy purposes
- Internet connectivity for temporary sites
- Lease line replacement (can't dig a fiber trench)
- Difficult terrain preventing you from running cable
- Smart city infrastructure - no need to dig up ground to fix fiber lines
- Audio visual installations and events
- Setting up affordable and fast internet access (Wireless ISP) to your town (where fiber is not available)

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us and we'll help you out right away.

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